Saturday, January 29, 2011

Physique Pics


Pictures 004
Some claim that bodybuilders have a mental illness similar to anorexia called body dysmorphic disorder. They obsessively try to correct some perceived imperfection in their physique by lifting weights and taking performance enhancing drugs as well. I have been very dedicated at times to maintaining a strict diet and lifting religiously but not what I would consider obsessively yet I do see many imperfections.

Although I'm no bodybuilder, for years, I followed a traditional bodybuilder routine of bulking during the winter and leaning out for the summer. Of course, that plan has mostly been promoted by drug using professionals. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't work for me. Whether I just don' t have the genetics or have failed in the execution, I get too fat during the bulk and lose too much muscle trying to drop the fat.

I've taken some pics along the way but have never been thrilled with the results so never very many. I've never posted them for public consumption whether for fear of trolls or just my disappointment over the perceived imperfections. Maybe it's time? Maybe they will inspire me to discipline myself for more improvements. These two were shot in July of 2004. The flash wiped out what little definition that I had and body fat was pretty high.

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