Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some Progress on the Fitness Front

I confess. I'm a yoyo fitness enthusiast. I've got the same excuses as everyone else: too busy at home, schedule at work, too damn lazy, etc. For four years, I did nothing but sat on my tail in front of a computer with only my fingers moving for the better part of my day. Athens was good for my state of mind but not for my physique.

Since returning to the Arsenal last July, I joined the MWR giving me access to the fitness centers on the base. I've worked out at all of them over the years but have been sticking to the Sparkman Center this time. My workouts are different now. I now start my sessions with thirty minutes on the elliptical. I've always been a cardio advocate but I just don't like it.

Cardio was a part of my workout between 1998 and 2006 but it was shoved to the end and just wasn't prioritized the way that it is now. If I didn't feel like it then oh well. My fathers early passing prompted a change in priorities. I'm sure that not smoking three packs a day gives me a decided advantage over my dad but the cardio sure couldn't hurt and, after four years of a very sedentary lifestyle, I feel a lot better!

The ego is being checked at the door and my shoulder and back thank me for it daily. I've given up the big three ego builders otherwise known as the bench press, squat, and deadlift. Let them rest in peace. It's Nautilus machines with some dumbbell work tossed in for smaller bodyparts. While I really like the chest and back machines, the arm machines just don't quite feel right. I have split my routine into back/biceps and chest/triceps with calf raises being done at each work. Leg presses were killing my back so the elliptical is the only real leg work that I'm getting. I inherited a set of chicken legs from my dad and I'm gonna have to live with it.

My goal of the three times per week lunch hour work out has only been fully realized a few times but progress has been made. I've dropped about five pounds on the scale. Approximately fifteen more would put me back solidly into high school range which might be a little light but we'll see ... that is... if I can actually get there.

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