Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

The sun is setting. The wind has been a bit cool today but it was beautiful nonetheless. I slept through part of it after a late night but celebrated the holiday with an early dinner at my inlaws. Cassie's nephew Alan, his wife Deena, and their son Tripp were visiting from Ada, Ohio. Alan is a Methodist minister and Deena is a social worker.

Cassie split the dinner chores with her mother staying up late last night and working most of the morning to make desserts while simultaneously having Christmas fun with Tripp. They built a gingerbread house and I think he liked his presents. A good time was had by all at dinner and Cassie's pecan pie and Alan's Sweet Potato Pie were excellent! No room for the chocolate bunt cake. That will have to wait until tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It Must Be That Time of the Year

The Christmas tree is up (albeit the smaller one) and the presents are spread underneath. Elvis is crooning "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and the wife just brought me an eggnog with some of Mr. Daniels' best. The Christmas season usually starts early at the Ray household but we're still a week ahead of schedule. The tree and decorations traditionally come out the day after Thanksgiving but her nephew is in town with his young son and they won't be back for Christmas so we're celebrating early with the only child in the family.

I've been working late since the purchase by Knology so we missed the family gathering at one of the local greasy spoons. My in-laws love the local cuisine but we usually pass on it anyhow. My wife's cousin from Texas is also here for a brief time. I'm not sure if his significant other is with him this time but they seem like a fun pair. Hopefully, we'll have enough energy to socialize before everyone heads home.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back to being a Webmaster

Well, I guess I'm back in the internet business. Please don't tell the IRS. I'm not sure if I've lost my mind or not but economics dictate that I bring in some additional income so I've hung out my shingle once again.

My problem with website construction has always been maintenance. I prefer to build 'em and forget 'em. My inspiration to return to the profession was a site built on Wordpress that really looked nothing like a blog and provided an intuitive interface for the customer to update their own site! Really cool stuff. A little research and some talk with my friend Mark Walter and the idea to build cheap websites based on the software evolved.

A quick post on YB generated some interest and Jeff Chandler volunteered to be my first customer in this arena. I took a commonly available theme and modified it to suit Jeff's needs and was born. It only took Jeff a few days to be updating like a pro!

I also attracted quite a few customers wanting updates on their current sites. I'm winding down updates on Uratchko Racing Engines and will soon begin updating several others. Some customers are simply wanting custom banners for their bulletin boards. No problem there.

On Call Until Thanksgiving

Knology's purchase of PCL Cable in Athens, AL was officially completed around noon last Monday and the office has been full of new faces ever since. The changes being instituted will be improvements in many ways but some of our customers are afraid of the "big boys" from out of town. They have experienced the competition in the area so their fears aren't completely unfounded. We've attempted to convince them that Knology is a different breed and most walk away satisfied.

Unfortunately, until our system is assimilated and their call center in Augusta, GA can take over, Marrazzo and I will be splitting on-call status. I'm carrying the burden until Thanksgiving and it has been a busy day. The Lead Tech's job is now open but our field techs will be very busy until the job is filled. I think we're going to need some assistance from the Huntsville office to fill the void.

Meanwhile, the anxiousness about the future of our jobs continues. I'm still not convinced that there will be a need for very many of our current staff when the Athens office becomes a hubsite. I'm still on the search for a new job. I've had a few interviews with one looking somewhat hopeful but no call back yet, a handful of rejections, and one letter thanking me for contributing my resume to their contract bid. Ain't that dandy!?!

Words of Wisdom for November 22

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.

- John F. Kennedy
Remarks Recorded for the Opening of a USIA Transmitter at Greenville, North Carolina.
February 8, 1963

Cartoon of the Day Deux

I'm being bipartisan today. Courtesy of Slate.

Cartoon of the Day

Courtesy of Slate.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's official. Knology purchases PCL Cable.

The staff at the Decatur Daily can use Google! Wow. They reported earlier this week that Knology has indeed purchased PCL Cable for whom I worked until 5:00 pm Friday afternoon. I am now a Systems Analyst for Knology contingent upon passing a background check, drug test, etc. We're still really in the dark about the forthcoming changes. All the current employees were offered positions with the company but the lead Field Tech opted out to explore other avenues and I believe the part-time bookkeeper is entertaining other options as well. Both the general manager and his son, who are two of the partners in the company, will be returning for short stints as consultants to ease the transition.

Of course, everyone is nervous about their future. When the cable plant is assimilated into the Knology network, I really don't see any need for the current employees in Athens or Decatur. Knology's helpdesk is based in Augusta, GA, technical personnel in West Point, GA, and everything else in Huntsville, AL. I can only picture the Athens headend as a hub site and perhaps some of the employees being offered positions in other locations. Currently, the franchises for both Athens and Decatur require an office but how many employees would be needed? Certainly, not the current staff despite the small number. The transition will be interesting. From a technical standpoint, I'm very curious to see Knology's network and how it's managed.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Here Comes the Sun

The morning sun is streaming through an eastern facing window, one of only two that catch any sun in the winter. It makes for a chilly home during the cooler months but it's a little hard to turn the house now. It's amazing how much sunlight will bounce off an opposing wall to obscure my view of the laptop and give me a perfect reflection of my visage complete with second chin that I desperately need to lose.

The Beatles "Here Comes the Sun" is streaming across the network and the world is a beautiful place. The weather prognosticator put the high for today at 77 degrees. Rather nice for November 8th. The wife and I quietly celebrated our 21st anniversary on Thursday with take-out Chinese and a cake from Costco Publix. Unfortunately, there was no Guy Fawkes Day antics. "Remember, remember the fifth of November" will forever be etched in my brain since watching "V for Vendetta" and is a cool reminder of my anniversary. I really need one of those masks!

Apparently, the reporter from the Athens New Courier isn't familiar with Google judging from this article. I wish the world could use Google. I'm sure that it would lessen tech questions aimed my way. Anyhow, an older lady carrying a pen and notepad strolled across the parking lot from the Courier late Friday afternoon. Marrazzo and I were standing on the front stoop contemplating life and the implications of the buyout which was announced by Knology on Friday morning and was quickly being posted on every financial website in cyberspace. The reporter drilled pretty hard even commenting that she would be fired if she returned without a story. I asked her if she had checked Knology's website but, apparently, that was no help for her. If you're wondering, I'm the unidentified source that knew nothing in the article.

Enough rambling. More to follow. It looks like a rambling day.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Cartoon of the Day

Courtesy of Slate

What Constitutes Success

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.

- Bessie Stanley, 1905