Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

The sun is setting. The wind has been a bit cool today but it was beautiful nonetheless. I slept through part of it after a late night but celebrated the holiday with an early dinner at my inlaws. Cassie's nephew Alan, his wife Deena, and their son Tripp were visiting from Ada, Ohio. Alan is a Methodist minister and Deena is a social worker.

Cassie split the dinner chores with her mother staying up late last night and working most of the morning to make desserts while simultaneously having Christmas fun with Tripp. They built a gingerbread house and I think he liked his presents. A good time was had by all at dinner and Cassie's pecan pie and Alan's Sweet Potato Pie were excellent! No room for the chocolate bunt cake. That will have to wait until tomorrow.

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