Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back In The Gym: One Week In

One week down. Many more to come! I completed my second workout of the week and haven't collapsed into a quivering heap quite yet. It's been the Precor elliptical machine for 20 minutes of cardio this week. I made the mistake of venturing into the gym at noon on Monday and found all of the treadmills taken. No big deal. I actually enjoyed the elliptical more than I remembered. I can see my pulse rate dropping already. Lower blood pressure here we come!

So what am I doing in the strength training area? At the moment, just a simple fullbody circuit training program consisting of two sets at the following Nautilus Nitro Plus stations: Mid Row, Lat Pulldown, Seated Calf, Incline Press, and Leg Press in that order. I don't think I can call it a traditional circuit since I complete the two sets at each station with about a minute between sets before moving on to the next exercise. It's just easier than coming back and finding someone else using the station.

As you may have noticed, there is no direct arm work. Not much need for it at the moment. The core exercises are working just fine. I think I'll punish myself for six weeks with this routine before mixing it up somewhat. I'm not quite sure which way that I want to go but I think I will be sticking with the machines this time. My shoulders actually feel good these days and I would like to keep it that way. Same goes for my back. I doubt that free weight squats and deads will be in the routine ever again. I'm looking forward to your emails. 8)

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