Monday, August 23, 2010

Back in the Gym

I found this cool article on NPR this morning - No More Gym? Don't Worry, Your Muscles Remember. It confirms the previously anecdotal theory of muscle memory and I'm hoping that it still applies to the guy that has now crested 40. I guess we'll see.

Except for my bulging disc shortened experience with P90X last August, I haven't worked out since I was laid off from Diebold in April of 2006. Friends of mine during my 30's would be astonished that I can actually eat like a normal human being and not exercise at least three times per week but it's true. I've been living the life of the average sedentary office geek for the last four years.

OK, maybe not quite average. My diet is still relatively clean compared to the norm and I'm only about ten pounds heavier but I've lost muscle mass as well so it's perhaps a bit more overall but less than twenty pounds overweight in our obese society can't hardly be considered average. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is in the pre-hypertensive range and the little woman is pushing for a full cardio evaluation since my father's untimely passing.

Since once again finding employment on the Arsenal, I joined the MWR and have now hit the gym three times with 20 minutes of cardio and circuit training on some cool Nautilus equipment. I used one of their lat pulldown stations at UAH years ago and it's great! I've been pleasantly surprised with my performance. Definitely not world shattering but decent for a four year lay-off. I think the new job has revitalized my body, mind, and spirit. I still need to get some more discipline in my diet but I'm happy to be exercising regularly once again. Now I've got to work on that yoga routine for my off days.

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