Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long Time. No Blog.

Sporadic blogging seems to be one of my character traits yet one that I don't believe is unique to my personality. Anyhow, I'm back! Actually, there were a multitude of reasons for my lack of blogworthiness but the major factor was the day job. Working for Knology had become so self consuming that I had neither the time nor inclination to write about it, not even as self-therapy which is mostly what I call it when you're writing and no one is reading it. Everyone is probably playing Farmville or something.

Facebook seems to have become the preferred method of keeping up with friends and family and our modern busy lives seem to tolerate the short, mostly non-thought provoking comments much better although I could do without knowing everyone's location. The dentist appointment and subsequent trip to Dunkin Donuts is best kept to yourself. I can also live without Farmville, Mafia Wars, etc. but if it makes your day brighter then go for it.

Really, I'm not bashing Facebook. It has allowed me to contact many friends that I haven't seen in two decades, close friends that gave me a lot of support when my father passed away last month. I can't thank them enough and I'm glad that they're back in my life.

More ramblings coming in the near future.

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