Thursday, October 01, 2009

Sen. Graham Calls Beck 'A Cynic' And Birthers 'Crazy'

I can't count the number of times that I've been deeply embarassed by southern politicians. Anyone from the deep south is already stereotyped as a barefoot redneck hick and some of our fine representatives in government just reinforce that supposition so I was very pleased that Senator Lindsey Graham spoke out today. Graham is a Republican from South Carolina and I hope that he hasn't endangered his position in the GOP with these words of reason.

"Only in America can you make that much money crying," Graham said of Beck. "Glenn Beck is not aligned with any party. He is aligned with cynicism and there has always been a market for cynics. But we became a great nation not because we are a nation of cynics. We became a great nation because we are a nation of believers."

He even called the birthers "crazy" and dispelled the myth that President Obama is a closet Muslim! Watch the video! If more of the GOP would denounce the lunacy that is tearing our nation apart then we might actually accomplish something great in this country.

Read more at:


Paul said...

The birthers, the tea baggers, the screamers, and the deathers continued extreme minority presence will become tiresome to mainstream America, if it has not already done so. To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).

Michael Ray said...

I've seen several interviews with Orly Taitz. She definitely has issues ... either that or she is just out to make a name for herself in the manner typical of today's reality TV brand of celebrity. I find it amazing that any serious news outlet will give her air time. It's part of the problem.