Wednesday, September 16, 2009

P90X - Day 3

Day three was pretty much a bust. My lower back has been bothering me for a few weeks now so it's not P90X related. It's a bit disconcerting. It doesn't really feel like lower back pains that I've had before. It's very stiff in the morning but usually tolerable by the afternoon. Tolerable enough to be exercising and no real complications afterward but I've had some numbness in the glutes while driving that perhaps suggest sciatic nerve pain.

Unfortunately, I sneezed this morning and my back went from tweaked to twanged so I spent most of my Sunday laying on a heating pad. Looking through the Arms/Shoulders DVD showed more of the same. Fast paced circuit style training. The amount of sets dedicated to muscle groups as small as biceps and triceps seems a bit ridiculous so I'll probably be modifying this workout next week. I know that I don't have the stamina to finish it anyhow and I'm still ridiculously sore from the earlier sessions. Hopefully, I'll find some relief for the back pain soon.

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