Wednesday, September 16, 2009

P90X - Down for the Count

I went to see my doctor today. The lower back pain seemed different from the usual strained musculature and when my tail started going numb while driving, I thought it might be best to see the GP. As I feared, he thinks I have an inflamed disc. He suggested some steroids but I politely declined. The last time I took a round of oral Prednisone, I didn't hardly sleep for a week and felt absolutely horrible. I did accept the muscle relaxants and the orders to avoid anything that might aggravate it for a few weeks. No, I had the problem before I began P90X last Friday so the program had nothing to do with my spinal malfunction. I just don't want to make it any worse so I'm going to keep my diet clean and the calories low and shed a little fat despite the lack of movement.

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