Friday, August 29, 2008

Comcast to make monthly Internet use cap official

I might have thought differently before going to work for a cable company but I now have to agree with Comcast's decision. I've actually seen 5% of the customer base burn up over 50% of the available bandwidth and the constant struggle to upgrade to keep up with their demands. There really is no other fair option. All cable companies will follow eventually but, of course, more upgrades will be required to implement the cap. 250 gig is still an incredible amount of traffic but I'm sure that you will see plenty of complaints on the net today!

NEW YORK (AP) -- Comcast Corp., the nation's second-largest Internet service provider, Thursday said it would set an official limit on the amount of data subscribers can download and upload each month.

On Oct. 1, the cable company will update its user agreement to say that users will be allowed 250 gigabytes of traffic per month, the company announced on its Web site.

Comcast has already reserved the right to cut off subscribers who use too much bandwidth each month, without specifying exactly what constitutes excessive use.

Read full article at Yahoo Finance.

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